Or, How we learn about ourselves from the names we are given by others “All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name” ~ Andre Breton Words fascinate me. Well, that’s not quite accurate. Language fascinates me, which isn’t quite the same thing. I was born in Oxford, that city of…
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Statement of the European Intersex Meeting, Riga, 2014

On Wednesday, the 8th of October 2014 the European Intersex Meeting took place in Riga. Under the umbrella of OII Europe and facilitated by ILGA Europe, this meeting gathered European intersex organisations working for intersex human rights. The goal of the meeting was to identify objectives and strategies to advocate for the full implementation of…
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Coffee mornings
Without music, life would be a mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche I love the smell of ground coffee. It’s my Sunday luxury. I love the smell of it a lot more than I can be bothered to drink it these days. You know how some scents just take you some place else – like fresh bread, or…
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RSM & CAH Support Group meeting, May 2014

“The Royal Society of Medicine and the CAH Support Group jointly organised a meeting which took place on Monday 12th May 2014, in London. This is an educational day, bringing together everyone who has an interest in CAH, including medical professionals and researchers, advocates, as well as those who live with the condition and their families.” Leslie…
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Mappa Mundi
I tore off the first index finger of my right hand whilst hurtling down hill on a mountain bike years ago. I was in Surrey at the time. Well, I was in a pickle, truth be known. I used to ride hard in those days, and hold the ‘bars like Kenny Roberts: first index finger…
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Intersex medical perspectives
The information provided on this site is often written from a medical perspective and is provided as a service to help understand different intersex variations. There are certain medical problems associated with some variations. For medical help, please consult a qualified medical practitioner. OII does not accept intersex as a medical issue per se. However, many…
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