Current Intersex Activism strives toward achieving complete personal autonomy and bodily integrity for everyone born Intersex At present intersex activism engages with human rights NGO’s using two statements as the basis for securing intersex legal protections. These statements were compiled at two international meetings of intersex advocates: one meeting was the 3rd International Intersex Forum,…
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UN today issues Unprecedented Joint Statement on the Rights of Intersex and LGBT people

Following on the historic meeting between intersex advocates and others at the UN in Geneva recently, the UN has now issued a joint statement by 12 UN agencies, condemning the continued abuse of intersex and LGBT people. Charles Radcliffe, the UN Human Rights Office’s Chief of Global Issues, said:- “This is the first time that…
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Opening remarks by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Expert meeting on ending human rights violations against intersex persons

Intersex colleagues gathered in Geneva today to meet and discuss intersex human rights issues. They were welcomed by Zeid Ra-ad Al Hussein – the UN High Commission for Human Rights. During his statement he acknowledged the historic nature of this meeting, and the continuing lack of knowledge about intersex human rights issues. OII-UK warmly welcomes…
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Landmark Reports about Intersex Human Rights

Intersex Human Rights gained further recognition today when the European Union published 2 reports about the abuses that intersex people continue to suffer. The EU Commissioner for Human Rights published a comprehensive report detailing the abuses intersex people continue to suffer, and offered a number of welcome recommendations that move toward remedying the plight of…
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Human Rights between the Sexes – A preliminary study on the life situations of inter* individuals

A report authored by Dr Dan Christian Ghattas, and published by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung lifts the lid on the largely invisible discrimination against intersex individuals and, in doing so, brings it plainly into view. This report offers the first overview of the life situations of intersex individuals from 12 selected countries in various regions…
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Malta today became the first country in the world to adopt comprehensive legislation banning medically unnecessary, non-consensual infant genital surgeries on intersex infants and young children. A combined effort by intersex and trans activists over many years today culminated in the first comprehensive provisions to offer legal protections for intersex, trans* and genderqueer people in…
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