How Intersex is understood and percieved by wider society is inexorably influenced by how it is presented in the media, in print, and even more so via electronic media. It is vanishingly rare for intersex advocates to be given a platform to voice the concerns surrounding intersex human rights. More often than not it is…
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The BBC Series – Countdown to Life: the Extraordinary Making of You – official complaint CAS-3492261-DLFVBV
Series producer chose to erase any reference to intersex in a programme that led with a feature about the Guavedoches of the Dominican Republic On the 21st September the BBC led a high profile, resource-rich series with a package about the Guevedoches of the Dominican Republic. The pre-publicity in the press was unavoidable, and quickly…
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BMJ Article questions Continuance of Current Orthodox Clinical Practice toward Intersex Infants and Young Children
Article to the BMJ Flags Clinical Concerns about Current Orthodox Practices in Intersex Medicine An article published to the current edition of the British Medical Journal – BMJ – clearly flags up rising concerns about the changing atmosphere surrounding clinical interventions toward anyone born intersex. It cites the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights statement…
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Green Party LGBTIQ Manifesto

In a first for UK politics, an established UK political party has formally acknowledged intersex human rights issues in it’s Manifesto. The Green Party of England and Wales today launched it’s LGBTIQ Manifesto, and for the first time placed on notice it’s intention to support intersex advocates in their struggle to gain legal protections from…
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Malta today became the first country in the world to adopt comprehensive legislation banning medically unnecessary, non-consensual infant genital surgeries on intersex infants and young children. A combined effort by intersex and trans activists over many years today culminated in the first comprehensive provisions to offer legal protections for intersex, trans* and genderqueer people in…
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Ground-Breaking Legislation in Malta
A Landmark Moment in the Struggle for Intersex Rights The Maltese Government became the first legislative body in the world to acknowledge the human rights issues surrounding intersex when it launched a consultation exercise for it’s proposed Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Bill (GIGESC) in October this year. This proposed bill is the…
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