In a first for UK politics, an established UK political party has formally acknowledged intersex human rights issues in it’s Manifesto.
The Green Party of England and Wales today launched it’s LGBTIQ Manifesto, and for the first time placed on notice it’s intention to support intersex advocates in their struggle to gain legal protections from medically unnecessary, non-consensual surgical and other interventions that intersex people currently endure simply for being born as they are.
Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett said at the Manifesto’s launch today
“And our promise to the LGBTIQ community is that a strong group of MPs will always work with you, and fight for your rights. We know that the struggle continues – and we’ll do everything within our power to work with you towards ending discrimination.”
The Green Party Manifesto says of intersex human rights issues
The Green Party fully supports the rights of all people born intersex to self-determination, bodily integrity, and personal autonomy in all medical decisions made about them.
We support intersex being recognised as a protected status in current UK equality legislation as a first step toward securing legal protections against discrimination for everyone born intersex.
The Green Party would strive to support intersex advocates as they work toward ensuring that it is made unlawful for clinicians or medical practitioners to enact sex assignment interventions or treatments on infants and young children that can be deferred until such time as an individual is able to give their informed consent.
Leslie Jaye, Chair of OII-UK said
This recognition is very welcome. Intersex human rights issues have for too long remained in the shadows. This is another very welcome step in advancing awareness of intersex issues.