In the deepening crisis embroiling the IAAF and it’s failure to uphold doping regulations is the tawdry tale of the human rights abuses meted out to female athletes who failed to conform to the artificial values the IAAF adopted to designate who it deemed female enough to compete in elite athletics. At face value the present…
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Should Doctors Operate on Intersex Babies?
In a word, no. However, that wouldn’t make for a very readable Buzzfeed article, so instead we have this. This article is gaining some traction on fb. It’s easy to see why. It has an identifiable subject who has been subjected to appalling medicalised violence in the name of orthodox protocols. Protocols that…
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The Guardian: “The IOC’s superwoman complex: how flawed sex-testing discriminates”

Rebecca Jordan-Young and Katrina Karkazis have another article on IOC sex testing today, in The Guardian: Last week, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) quietly dropped what may prove to be a bomb in the middle of the already explosive question of who can compete in women’s events in the 2012 London summer Games. The new…
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London Olympics Head of Diversity & Inclusion includes intersex while Equality Minister excludes intersex people

WHEN LGBT online publication Gay Star News recently published an article quoting Stephen Frost, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Olympics organization LOCOG speaking about the LGBTI community, we thought the journalist’s fingers had slipped on the keyboard. After all, neither GSN, LOCOG nor the British government has been seen fit to equally include intersex people in their work…
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