A Landmark Moment in the Struggle for Intersex Rights The Maltese Government became the first legislative body in the world to acknowledge the human rights issues surrounding intersex when it launched a consultation exercise for it’s proposed Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Bill (GIGESC) in October this year. This proposed bill is the…
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Statement of the European Intersex Meeting, Riga, 2014

On Wednesday, the 8th of October 2014 the European Intersex Meeting took place in Riga. Under the umbrella of OII Europe and facilitated by ILGA Europe, this meeting gathered European intersex organisations working for intersex human rights. The goal of the meeting was to identify objectives and strategies to advocate for the full implementation of…
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OII Deutschland presents to the European Parliament Intergroup
The European Parliament’s Intergroup on LGBT Rights hosted a seminar on intersex and trans people recently, with presentations by Dan Christian Ghattas of OII Deutschland, Silvan Agius of ILGA Europe, Richard Köhler of Transgender Europe, and others. Dan’s excellent presentation can be listened to and downloaded (PowerPoint format) or viewed via the Intergroup’s page alongside…
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