In April 2008, Curtis explained why we did not use the term ‘mutilation’ in OII’s official position on health care; this was still in place upon closure of original website (April 2012). Curtis E. Hinkle, 2008. We have been asked why OII’s Official Position on Health Care does not mention mutilations. There are many reasons for…
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Articles by Admin
Mission statement
Our Mission Campaign in favour of human rights for the intersexed. Encourage an exchange of ideas and different perspectives about intersex from various groups and geographical regions. Provide information concerning actual life experiences of people with intersex conditions to medical personnel working with infants with atypical genitalia, to psychological experts, sexologists, sociologists and specialists in…
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Official position on medical care
On Medical Care Our societies have accepted a binary construct between male and female which does not reflect Nature and the enormous variety of possible sexes which overlap one another in various gradations on a spectrum with male at one end and female at the other. The arbitrary division of biological sex into only…
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RIP Georgina Somerset

Georgina Somerset is often overlooked as an account of somebody who changed sex from male to female, and she is clear in her writing that she understood herself to be intersex; she lays out the details of her intersex condition quite clearly. Her second book was autobiographical, published under her married name of Georgina Somerset…
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Reflection on a decade of OII activism in an English-speaking context
Back in 2006, I’d known Jim, Curtis, Gina, Andre & others through online groups for about five years, I met Sophie at a conference in the UK in 2003, and Tina in London around the same time. Back in those days, I’d met or knew a few other intersex people in the UK, including Del,…
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Holistic medicine without autonomy!
Following a discussion with some friends about the team at UCLH, the issue of ‘changes in practice’ came up. I, like several others, through conversations with members of that team, was under the impression that these changes suggested that surgical interventions in the lives of intersex children before they could themselves consent were being reduced….
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