Intersex Human Rights gained further recognition today when the European Union published 2 reports about the abuses that intersex people continue to suffer.
The EU Commissioner for Human Rights published a comprehensive report detailing the abuses intersex people continue to suffer, and offered a number of welcome recommendations that move toward remedying the plight of nearly all intersex people in Europe. Since April, only Malta has offered comprehensive legal protections to anyone born intersex.
In tandem with the EU Commissioner’s report is a report published today by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights. The FRA paper examines the legal situation of intersex people from a fundamental rights perspective, and draws on evidence from the Agency’s updated legal analysis on homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. It now includes a section on intersex issues.
OII-UK welcomes the publication of these 2 documents. Their detailing of Intersex human Rights concerns is a landmark. It raises the visibility of intersex lived experience to a far wider audience, and brings closer the day when everyone born intersex may enjoy the rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity.